Domestic Investment share
Any Bhutanese citizen after attaining 18 years is eligible to engage in commercial or industrial activity after obtaining a business license. Licenses are classified into three categories; (1) trading, (2) service industries and (3) production and manufacturing industries. The Department of Trade will deal with trading activities only, while the Department of Industry and Department of Cottage and Small Industry will deal with the service, production and manufacturing sectors.
Business Creation (trading)
Trade scale category is classified based on the annual turnover.
Turnover in millions (Nu)
More than 10m
5m – 10m
1m – 5m
Less than 1m
Classification of industries is done based on employment and investment size. However, where there is a conflict, investment will take precedence over employment.
Scale of industry
Employment Size
Investment (million BTN)
1 to 4
5 to 19
1 – 10
20 to 99
10 - 100
100 +
> 100 |
Activities listed here do not require location clearance.
Activities listed under the green list (check Annex 1) do not require environmental clearance.
The procedure "With simple office rental" under Medium and large industry as well as cottage and small industry is only for Service industries such as consultancy service firms, financial institutions, IT services, etc. For Manufacturing and Production activities, follow the procedure under Private/ Government Land, Inside or Outside Municipality whichever is relevant.
Notice: Currently under Thimphu
District, applications for government land lease (unless it is in Bjimina or
the industrial estate in Bjimina) are not approved for projects involving manufacturing
and production activities, and also those projects requiring construction of
permanent structures due to space constraint and the potential negative impact
of factories to the residents.